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Wednesday morning was just like any other morning. Campers slowly trickled up to Flagpole Hill for morning flag raising. After Pine Top sang the birdie song, we asked all our first year campers to come to the flag pole to raise the flag. Counselors gathered in a circle around the first-year campers as we sang the Star Spangled Banner.

About half way through the song, an odd 1970’s tune rang out over the loud speakers. It was the song Chicken Train, known famously here at Camp for the beginning of Play Day. Soon campers were frantically running from their counselors, whom were chasing campers and attempting to toss them into the pool. As much as campers seem to not want to be thrown in the pool, you know deep down that they love the attention from their favorite role models. Don’t be fooled, they want to be thrown in the pool.

So Play Day was officially underway, and Girls Camp spent the rest of the morning playing zany games like the egg toss, pie in the eye, the minnow chase (yes…we put minnows in the pool and chase them), and ice water on the counselors’ back. We have been playing these same silly games for years, and campers were just as captured by these events yesterday as they were in 1982. Meanwhile, Boys Camp geared up for Huawni Uprising, a game of capture the flag in the woods. Sergeant Juantanamo (Juanse) was the field general and led Boys Camp to this manly day in the woods. Most of the fun of Uprising has nothing to do with who wins. Team strategies, code names, and the use of walkie talkies and what happens therein are the things campers sometimes never forget. Boys Camp ended the morning enjoying ice cold watermelon.

Last night campers gathered in the Dining Hall for Skit Night. Congratulations to Band Aid for taking home the coveted spirit stick!

Today campers are participating in Connect, which is where they get to choose any activity they like. The Critter Pond, Pool, and High Ropes are all in full swing. As we near this weekend, our schedule will change up and also slow down a bit. We are enjoying this bunch of kids and we are beginning to see new friendships blossom!

Until next time…


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